Friday, 1 July 2011

Terraria review

This game is considered by many to be a simple Minecraft clone, while it is so much more.

Sure, the basic idea (that of digging, farming, building) is the same, but this is a 2D roleplayish (not sure does this word exist) platformer. And just look at the graphics. It is not nearly as "bricky" as Minecraft is.
But I guess all the games of this newly founded genre will be compared to the beforementioned game. Simply because it was the first of a kind.

After you choose either Singleplayer or Multiplayer, you will be taken to the character creator. A rather rudimentary, but charming editor. Here, unlike some *other* games, you have two entities that will be saved. The character, and the world. After you make yourself a guy (only males for now, sorry), the game will create small, medium or large world.
The difference here is quite big, since you can fully explore the small world (at least, it's ground level) in a matter of minutes, while a large one is going to last for days.
You can combine your characters and worlds in any way you like, and you can host a multiplayer server on your own home world.
Alas, all supplies (that you leave in chests) can be taken by other characters. Making your items and equipment also combinable between characters.

A shiny example is that of sharing ore. You find alot of copper ore in your world, while your brother (yes, "Cheat" and "Donatan" are his personas) is lacking copper in his world. Simply place the surplus in your inventory, load your brother's world and place the ore in his chest. It's that simple.

How to stick pointy things into ugly walking things?

Simple, really. And satisfying, for that matter. Combat in Terraria (either ranged or melee) is a very finely tuned machine. There is almost no better than to swing your lightsab... sorry, Phaseblade into a zombie to decapitate him. Not to mention the notorius "blood and gore" option (not optional, by the way) which fits in perfectly.
When you spawn for the first time, you will be equipped with basic wooden tools that can do basic (wooden?) job.
Wooden sword does the trick as the first weapon, but why should you be limited on that puny little sword? With proper resources and tools, you will be able to craft anything ranging from knives to rifles. And my personal favourite, the lightsa... f*ck... the phaseblade. In all colours, if I might add.
There is no lack of items in this game, and most of it can't be bought from the merchants anyway, so go and craft the hell out of that crafting table, son.

May the Force be with you

Now, the enemies you will face differ alot. Note the "alot". At the beginning, there will be zombies, freaky flying eye wannabe things and slimes. Annoying, green, blue, pinky, big, small. Slimes.
As you progress further in the world, you will encounter the Corruption. Now this is a twist. It's an infection that corrupts (duh) everything it gets in contact with. So, it's up to you to stop it... or let it spread. Entirely your choice. Except from that, there are Bosses. Now, I'm not going to say anything more 'cause I don't want to spoil them, but they are awesome.       

Dig, dig, dig, dig

Grab the pickaxe and dig. HELL YEAH! Or not.
Well, digging is the repetetive part here (altough I doubt it could be any diffrent).
It's not entirely unlike to the MMO's grinding system, but it can pass. Mostly because you will certainly find a lot of caves and caverns, dungeons even, that will reward your efforts.
There is a variety of ores, crystals and that kind of stuff underground, just waiting for you to dig it out.
After you get sick of digging go to the town (it is an imperative to build a village/city) and talk to NPC's, trade with them, craft items and so on.


Overall, an awesome game. Altough many people consider it to be a threat to Minecraft, it's not.
And, the updates for Terraria come out really often and bring many additions such as items, bosses, NPC's, ammo... you name it.
A jewel, honestly.
Get it, play it, enjoy it.


  1. Hey, thanks :D
    Gonna be reviewing more indie games soon, and some older classics too.
    So... all I can say is: stay tuned :D
